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Image by Ravi Pinisetti

Why didn't God stop Satan though He knew that Satan was trying to trick Adam and Eve into disobeying God?

Thank you for the question. Yes you are right in saying that God knows everything and that implies that God knew that Satan was going to tempt Adam and Eve? There are somethings that we need to keep in mind while we look at that question.
1. We were made for God - which means loving God with our whole heart is what we were made for. That is what is best for us.
2. Loving God with my whole heart means I choose God above all.
3. The choice I make should be a free choice. It should be something I personally wanted to make. Then only will it have any value.
4. Different choices have different consequences. Good choices have good results, bad choices have bad results.
5. So the best way in which I can prove my love to God is when I choose God and what He wants - willingly and joyfully, even when I am presented with other options to disobey Him.
In the Garden, things were perfect. Man had every reason to thank God and obey Him. Man knew God in a special manner. When the serpent came, Eve and Adam had every reason to say no to Satan, since the command of God to not eat the fruit was very clear. The temptation that Satan brought was a test to prove their love to God. The kind of love God desired was real and whole hearted and not an unwilling, half hearted love which was shown in the absence of other options. While the temptation was something that could have led them to sin against God, it also presented them the opportunity to prove their love for Him - if they had not listened to the words of Satan. To freely and willingly choose to say no to sin, would have been the biggest proof of their love for God.
It would have been such an amazing thing, if Adam and Eve hadn't eaten the fruit and disobeyed God. But for God to keep Satan from tempting them would have been a way of taking the right of making free choice away from man. Do read the article for a detailed answer. God bless!

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