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A must watch movie on the value of every human and how an understanding about your God given identity changes your life.

Video Series

Understanding the Biblical perspective on same sex relationships - Part 1

Understanding the Biblical perspective on same sex relationships - Part 2

Understanding the Biblical perspective on same sex relationships - Part 3

Movies / Testimonies

Movie from living waters to show the need of taking a bold yet loving stand on homosexuality

David, shares how he was saved from 27 years of practicing homosexuality

A christian response to homosexuality - Q&A - Dr. Christopher Yuan

Testimonies of former LGBTQers about their changed identity


Should I call someone by their preferred pronoun?

Is same sex attraction a sin?

A Compelling testimony of a long time homosexual and a rebel who was transformed by the power of  his mother's long time prayer

What if God created Transgenders?

Did Jesus ever talk about homosexuality?

FAQ  Media


Answers in Genesis is an apologetics  ministry, dedicated to enabling Christians to defend their faith and to proclaim the gospel of Jesus Christ effectively. 

This site is the response to students, young people and parents who have asked questions to many of us on this network, who have been hard pressed for time in answering these queries adequately.

A ministry that focuses on sharing the gospel and building the God ordained institution of Family and promoting Biblical truths world wide

Resources and help for people struggling with same sex attraction and to equip church leaders and ministers to deal with issues of homosexuality in their church community

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