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Porn and Mental Health: 10 Facts from the Experts

Porn and Mental Health: 10 Facts from the Experts

To learn more about how porn effects your mental health download the free e-book Your Brain on Porn: The evidence is clear. Consuming porn is associated with all kind of mental health concerns. We deserve better as a society. Our kids deserve better. The women in our lives deserve better. With as commonplace as porn use is today, if porn made us healthier, we would be healthy by now. Jill Manning, “Hearing on pornography’s impact on marriage & the family,” U.S. Senate Hearing: Subcommittee on the Constitution, Civil Rights and Property Rights, Committee on Judiciary, Nov. 10, 2005; E. Haggstrom-Nordin, U. Hanson, and T Tydén, “Associations between pornography consumption and sexual practices among adolescents in Sweden,” International Journal of STDs & AIDS 16 (2005): 102-107; Ven-hwei Lo and Ran Wei, “Exposure to Internet Pornography and Taiwanese Adolescents’ Sexual Attitudes and Behavior,” Journal of Broadcasting & Electronic Media 49 (2005): 221-237; Jochen Peter and Patti M. Valkenburg, “Adolescents’ exposure to online sexually explicit material, sexual uncertainty, and attitudes toward uncommitted sexual exploration: Is there a link?” Communication Research 35 (2008): 579-601 Todd G. Morrison, Shannon R. Ellis, Melanie A. Morrison, Anomi Bearden, and Rbecca L. Harriman. “Exposure to sexually explicit material and variations in body esteem, genital attitudes, and sexual esteem among a sample of Canadian men,” The Journal of Men’s Studies 14 (2006): 209-223 Dolf Zillmann, “Influence of unrestrained access to erotica on adolescents’ and young adults’ dispositions toward sexuality," Journal of Adolescent Health 27 (Aug. 2000): 41-44 Jochen Peter and Patti M. Valkenburg, “Adolescents’ exposure to a sexualized media environment and their notions of women as sex objects,” Sex Roles 56 (2007): 381-395 Elizabeth M. Morgan, “Association between young adults’ use of sexually explicit materials and their sexual preferences, behaviors, and satisfaction,” Journal of Sex Research 48 (2011): 520–530 Katie Szittner, “Study exposes secret world of porn addiction,” May 10, 2012 Christian Laier, “Pornographic Picture Processing Interferes with Working Memory Performance,” Journal of Sex Research 0 (2012): 1-11 Sherif Karama, André Roch Lecours, Jean-Maxime Leroux, Pierre Bourgouin, Gilles Beaudoin, Sven Joubert, Mario Beauregard, “Areas of brain activation in males and females during viewing of erotic film excerpts,” Human Brain Mapping 16 (May 2002): 1–13 Michele L. Ybarra and Kimberly J. Mitchell, “Exposure to Internet Pornography among Children and Adolescents: A National Survey,” CyberPsychology & Behavior 8 (2005): 473-486 Gustavo Mesch, “Social bonds and Internet pornographic exposure among adolescents,” Journal of Adolescence 32 (2009): 601–618 For 250+ Facts and Stats About Pornography visit
The Health Benefits of Masturbation

The Health Benefits of Masturbation

Learn more at: I speak at a lot of conferences, and when I do, many in my audiences are young men—some in high school or college—and when I talk about the negative impact of pornography and masturbation, it’s not uncommon for me to get a lot of questions afterwards from these guys. You see, a lot of these guys have been told that not masturbating is actually unhealthy. Since the days of psychologists like Sigmund Freud and Alfred Kinsey, there’s a picture people have of the sexual impulse that it is this boiling, tumultuous force that needs an outlet or it will explode in harmful ways. Sigmund Freud, The Origins of Psychoanalysis. Letters to Wilhelm Fliess: Drafts and Notes 1887-1902, ed. Marie Bonaparte (Whitefish, MT: Kessinger Publishing, 2009), 238-239. Immanuel Kant, The Metaphysics of Morals (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1996). Jean Stengers and Anne Van Neck, Masturbation: The History of a Great Terror, trans. Kathryn Hoffmann (New York: PALGRAVE, 2001), 58. “Happy news! Masturbation actually has health benefits,” The Conversation, last modified December 4, 2013, Michael F. Leitzmann, Elizabeth A. Platz, Meir J. Stampfer, Walter C. Willett, and Edward Giovannucci, “Ejaculation Frequency and Subsequent Risk of Prostate Cancer,” JAMA 291, no. 13 (April 7, 2004): 1578-1586, doi: 10.1001/jama.291.13.1578. Stuart Brody, “The Relative Health Benefits of Different Sexual Activities,” The Journal of Sexual Medicine 7, no. 4:1 (April 2010). R. Morgan Griffin, “Male Masturbation: 5 Things You Didn’t Know,” WebMD, last modified August 30, 2013, Stuart Brody, “The Relative Health Benefits of Different Sexual Activities,” The Journal of Sexual Medicine 7, no. 4:1 (April 2010):1336-1361, doi: 10.1111/j.1743-6109.2009.01677. Barry S. Hewlett, Intimate Fathers (Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press, 1991), 11-46. Barry S. Hewlett and Bonnie L. Hewlett, “Sex and Searching for Children among Aka Foragers and Ngandu Farmers of Central Africa,” African Study Monographs 31, no. 3 (October 2010): 107-125, Samuel S. Janus and Cynthia L. Janus, The Janus Report on Sexual Behavior (New York: John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 1993). Alan Mozes, “Study Tracks Masturbation Trends Among U.S. Teens,” U.S. News, last modified August 1, 2011, 2011/08/01/study-tracks-masturbation-trends-among-us-teens. C. S. Lewis, The Collected Letters of C.S. Lewis, Volume 3, ed. Walter Hooper (New York: HarperCollins, 2007).
How to Deal with Guilt and Shame After Looking at Pornography

How to Deal with Guilt and Shame After Looking at Pornography

In the last video we started to talk about the stages of temptation. If you haven’t gotten a chance to watch that video yet, I would encourage you to do so and you can click on the link in the video, or down below in the description to start with that video or start the whole series from the beginning. The first stage discussed in the last video was Desire. At the top of this cycle is the state of desire. Now, in an earlier video we talked about how that really means over-desire—a strong craving for something, even a good thing. We talked about different over-desires that can compel us into the arms of pornography. We mentioned several: relationship, respect, refuge, reward, revenge. Okay, that was the stage of Desire. Moving on from there, now we come to triggers. With this, awareness is the key: we need to know what our triggers are and we need to train our minds to deal with them quickly. What is it for you? Is it a specific website with a bunch of racy ads? Is it Facebook? Is it a TV show or a specific channel on TV? Is it a certain kind of music? Is it a certain place? Is it when you’re hungry or tired or stressed out? Take inventory of this, and then write out an escape plan: when this trigger comes along, what’s your off-ramp? What exactly will you do? Where will you go? Who will you call? If you don’t actually make a plan, chances are you just won’t do anything the next time the trigger comes. When the trigger comes, God provides a way of escape, but often we don’t have the eyes to see it because our minds get foggy really quickly. So in your more clear-headed moments, in prayer to God or in conversation with a Christian friend, write down your common triggers and your planned off-ramps.




Hijacking your brain from porn

Reading plan

40 days reading challenge


10 ways to break stronghold of Porn


Porn: The new narcotic




A great book for men who want to overcome the influence and addiction of porn.

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